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Eddy writes about a variety of nature and travel topics based on his expeditions and photography trips. Bears, Whales, Landscapes, Camera Gear, Expedition equipment, you name it.

Bio / Projects

Eddy Savage is a year-round naturalist and photography guide and calls Vancouver Island home. He travels for between four and five months of the year to many different destinations around Canada and the world leading nature journeys and photography expeditions.

Wild Bears of Canada

The new book “Wild Bears of Canada” is about the intricate lives of polar bears, black bears, and grizzly bears as told by Eddy Savage. As a naturalist guide and photographer who has spent over a decade and thousands of days watching wild bears, Eddy shows you a side of bears that often seen.

Limited Editions

Browse the carefully selected collection of high-quality wildlife and nature images that will only be reproduced in limited numbers. Each print comes signed by Eddy, numbered, and a certificate indicating details of the photograph. When a Limited Edition series is sold out, the image will no longer be available for purchase.

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